Can we inhabit the desert? Can we inhabit a space with fiction? This is the exercise that I proposed for the project “En la pampa”. I invited a man and a woman that didn’t know each other and that were not actors to live certain situations in the Atacama Desert, in the north of Chile. The desert became a vast stage with multiple sets. Maria and Mateo’s main asset was to succeed in forgetting the camera and to improvise the dialogues according to the action, for example, to wash a car near an abandoned cemetery. To be completely honest, I have to say that the main character had once played the role of a tree in a theater show at school. She knew what it was to live in a stage, as a scenographic element on feet.

En la Pampa. Jeu de Paume. Paris 2008
video and projection room
ciao ciao en maria elena (master DVC/PRO–HD) 2’52’’
cementerio santa isabel (master DVC/PRO–HD) 23’
christmas (master DVC/PRO–HD) 3’31’’
vagar en campo raso es... (master DVC/PRO–HD) 4’14’’
southamerican rockers (master DVC/PRO–HD) 3’58’’
MARÍA interpreted by: Viviana Castillo
MATEO interpreted by: Matías Guerra
With: Gladis Silva Rozas, Eloisa Galleguillos, Ivinlla Choque Cáceres
Nolvia Berna Cruz, Silvia Araya Orosco, Doris Araya Araya, Elsa Delgado Díaz, Yolanda Alvarez, Juana Campusano López, Inés Codirmin Pizarro, Cintia Lira Vega, Eduardo Allard González
Director of photography: Rodrigo Avilés Pérez
Production: Carolina Olivares
Production Assistant: Oscar Raúl Sepúlveda
Still photography: Jaime González Ballenas
Driver: René Mario Esteban Moscoso
Translation: Pedro Donoso, Cathy Arnaud, Luke Stobart
Edition and post-production: Adolf Alcañiz
Produced by: Maravills (Barcelona), KBB Kültur Buro Barcelona, CO producciones (Barcelona), Jeu de Paume (Paris)
Collection: FRAC Rhône-Alpes (Villeurbanne, France)
Acknowledgements: Institut Ramon Llull, Centro Cultural Matucana 100
en la pampa (or Dostoyevsky's tears in the desert) (2008) Martí Peran (eng)
en la pampa (video excerpt)
ABC Cultural. Responsabilidad Compartida. Anna Maria Guasch (2009) (esp)
We make money not art. Jordi Colomer at the Jeu de Paume in Paris. Regine (2008) (eng)
El Culturas. Jordi Colomer. Reflejos de lo real. Javier Hontoria (2008) (esp)