Jordi Colomer
Défense de chanter
Opening April 6th in Galerie Michel Rein from 4pm to 9pm. 42, Rue de Turenne, 75003, PARIS, France
“It's easier getting gold out of men than from rivers”*
The foundation of a city is not necessarily a heroic act. Everyday a new city begins to be built on water, concrete, sweat and money. Some are – almost - a pure idea. There are glass cities that grow out of offices and others made from tin and card that dance to the rhythm of their own inhabitants. On one occasion, a group of outlaws were being tailed by the police when their truck broke down in the middle of the desert. They couldn't keep going or turn back. So they ended up founding a paradise city, the golden city, where the worst crime was not to have any money. That city was called Mahagonny and Bertolt Brecht envisioned it at the time when Las Vegas came about shaping the image of the city that we recognize today.

© Jordi Colomer
Prohibido Cantar / No Singing, 2012 installation of seven videos
In Prohibido cantar / No Singing a few characters make a gambling den where they offer entertainment games, tricks, love and food at low prices. The action takes place close to a dusty road, on the same plot of land and during the time in which a great private city was planned. With 32 casinos, Gran Escala, planned to attract 25 million visitors, and yet never saw the light of day, but Euro-Vegas, nearby Madrid, take over the project. These images reveal how the city of Eurofarlete thrives, under a blazing sun and strong blowing winds. Fragments of what passed there over two days may help to discern the particular form of organization needed for survival, where everything is on sale at a bargain price or indeed at any price.

© Jordi Colomer
still film Poble Nou, 2013
The exhibition also presents a new work by Jordi Colomer, Poble Nou (2013). Poble Nou is an old industrial neighbourhood of Barcelona, constantly evolving. This parking is one of the "outlaw" zones often found in Colomer’s work: deserts, but also urban zones such as abandoned roofs, investigated and reactivated inIstanbul map (2010) or Crier sur les toits (2011), or again the wastelands where Anarchitekton’s character walks, delimitating Barcelona, Brasilia or Bucharest. As in Prohibido cantar / No Singing, this "suspended" space, where a urban macro-project never took place, is used by the characters in an unexpected way. Cars temporarily parked – for a visit at the beach – or the mourning group passing by with a coffin, escape from any official planning. Here is mentioned only what "occurs", and we benefit from witnessing a fortuitous encounter, a moment where several affairs should match. A young Russian couple on holidays, who just landed, and the neighbors’ accidental and ephemeral passage. As any fortuitous meeting, this one takes a Buñuel absurd appearance and is broadcasted by Yulia and Andrei’s improvised commentaries, which are translated in the installation in several languages.
Jordi Colomer was born in Barcelona in 1962. He lives and works between Barcelona and Paris. Enjoying a gifted and marked sculptural sense, his work spans many mediums, centering on photography, video and the staging of both in exhibition areas. The variety of mediums called forth by Jordi Colomer's work and the transversality of his judgment are undoubtedly linked to his fragmentary education as an architect, an artist and an art historian. Jordi Colomer’s work was the subject of a solo show at the Jeu de Paume in Paris (2008). He exhibited (among other) in BOZAR and ARGOS, Brussels (2012), Bronx Museum, NY, USA (2011), the Centre Georges Pompidou (2010), AKBank Art Center, Istanbul, Turkey (2010).
Prohibido Cantar/ No Singing produced by CO producciones (Barcelona) & Matadero Madrid Abierto x Obras (Madrid)
Poble Nou Produced by: CO producciones (Barcelona)
*Bertolt Brecht, The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny, 1927-30
Jenny: Inma Chopo, Leocadia Begbick: Isabel Rodríguez. Fugitives: Jordi Romero, Josep Maria Faro. The magicians: Jordi Magomero, Sergi Ayet. Tickets: Reyes Vicente de Blas. Guitarist: Marc Viaplana, Joueurs : Julio Pareja, Luis Orduña (Berger), José Luis Lasheras, Raquel Atares, Leticia Navarro, Raquel Gazol, Beatriz Fle, Raúl Gazol, Alberto Samper, Carlos Javier Rodrigo, Alonso Ruata, Andrea Lostao, Francisco Tolosa, Crescencio Martinez, Joaquín Fustero, Ainhoa Gimeno, Pilar Letosa, Maksim Malachenko, Ivet Lafuente, Jaime Sánchez, Marta Soto, Andrea Lastao, Sabina Azara.
Direction Assistant: Albert Kuhn. Camera Men: Marcell Erdélyi. Production: Oriol Caba, Production Assistants: Agnès Mateus, Irene Milla, Carles Fígols. Still Photography: Marc Viaplana. Sound: Gautam K. Choudhury. Sound Assistant: Alex Silva, Adrià Martí. Set Construction: Sági Szabolcs. Camara Assistants: Deirdre Canle, Sofía Pérez Portabella. Media Manager:Tomás Muñoz. Post-production vidéo: Adolf Alcanyiz.
Aknowledgments: Ayuntamiento de Farlete
Ardrey Polunin, Yulia Taniushina. Neighbors: Adrian Caroll, Alba Vinent Ruiz,Antonio Saavedra, Antonio Vinent Fayas, Araceli Santos, Arturo Gonzalo, Bianca Clixas Richard, Catalina Bolea García, Charles Hanks, Elisabeth Albarracin Roberts, Enrique Cases Castellanos, Eva Erga,Gabriel Martin, Gillian Roberts,Gloria Jean Aixas, Jessica Torné, Joan Cervera , Joan Peña, Joaquina Ferrer Lucas, José Bello Cordero, José María Gallardo, José Maria Gómez, Josep Platas, Judit Soler Lozano, Karen Gómez, Karoline Monika Erga, Luis Fernández, Mª Àngels Lozano Gibert, Marc Colinas, María Antonia Bruña, Miracle Rodríguez Reig, Mónica Eua Romero, Montserrat Marco, Nacho Martínez, Núria Armengou, Nuria, Tomás Rosel, Oscar Díaz Bruño, Román Castelló, Teresa Sánchez H, Víctor Pozo.
Direction Assistant: Albert Kuhn. Camera Men: Marcell Erdélyi, Pau Castejón. Production: Oriol Caba. Production Assistants:Agnès Mateus, Irene Milla, Carles Fígols. Still Photography: Marc Viaplana. Sound: Gautam K. Choudhury. Sound Assistants:Alex Silva, Adrià Martí. Camara Assistants: Deirdre Canle, Francesc Olivé, Gaizko Fanarraga. Media Manager: Tomás Muñoz. Post-production vidéo: Adolf Alcanyiz.
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