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Communitas presents some of the ideas and methods that are being elaborated
around the world in order to create better cities. The exhibition provides examples
of artists and architects visionary ideas about possible urban futures. Included are
experimental strategies, playful interactions along with an openness towards untried
and innovative approaches formulated for the city and its inhabitants.

The artists and architects involved in the exhibition are
Baupiloten (Germany) Jimenez Lai (USA), Jordi Colomer (Spain), Listen to the City (Korea), (Germany, Netherlands, UK), m7red (Argentina), Royce Ng (Australia),
PKMN (Spain) and Rakett (Norway).

In conjunction with and as part of the exhibition, several workshops and lectures will be arranged.
Keep updated on the program at the Bildmuseet website. 





18 November 2012 - 10 February 2013